Tuesday 10 February 2009

Day 2 = Filming our first clip scene in the library

Today's lesson with dan we began filming our thriller. we decided to gather some props for the scene, thriller possesed books and went into the library to beging filming. We had loads of different types of shots and did really well that friday. This scene was of the main character in the library. it was filmed in the afternoon and we used natural lighting. before the end of the lesson we went back to the classroom and planned our next scene: we discussed all the props that we needed for the next filming session with mary. However the next lesson was cancelled so we missed a lesson of filming as the college was closed due to bad weather conditions.

We managed to catch up once the college was re-opened. That lesson we logged and captured all our filming and made sure to save it on our hard drive. We did not start the editing as we had much filming left to do.

During this session, we worked mainly on the Mac’s and worked on which shots to do next. This also gave us a chance to see which shots we may need to re do, or any we may have missed out.

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