Tuesday 16 December 2008

'What Lies Beneath'

In Tuesday's lesson with Mary we watched lots of film clips to help structure our own thriller movie. Out of all we watched in class, i enjoyed watching 'What Lies Beneath' because it made me curious on finding out what would happen next in the film and this is the kind of impact i would want to create on my audience. The way it portrays this, is from the beginning of the sequence effective use of the camera pan from the actress to the bathroom door. This was also filmed on a slow pace to illustrate to the audience that something was not right. As she entered the bathroom there were good use of point of view and match cut shots. Also, not forgetting the effective use of mise en scene when the diegetic sound of the woman watching a ghost reflecting on the water. This help create the audience 'jump'. The mise en scene related to the clip by using dim lighting, this set the atmosphere of the narrative. The end was very expected, the way that there was a slight zoom whilst water was being drained was classic and a shot that most viewers would remember.

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