Sunday 14 December 2008


First Lesson :
We watched a thriller film called 'Let 'Em Play God' , we had to analyse film on a basic note

• Every maker of mystery movies aims at getting the audience on the edge of their seats, keeping them there is called suspense.
• You have suspense when you let the audience play god.

• It is important in a story with sinister implications to use counterpoint, great contrast between situation and background,
To make the audience feel that adreneline every time something they know is about to happen.

The things that scare us:

• Blood
• Scary voices
• The dark
• Sudden shock
• Sudden loud sounds
• Silence
• Dead bodies
• Bathroom scenes
• Knives

The Second lesson we watched a short camera demonstration clip. We were taught how to use the camera using a tripod and how to insert and eject a tape in and out of the camera and also how to turn it on and off.
We learnt how to insert a battery into the camera and how to take it out.

We were shown how to open up a tripod and attach it to the camera, how to set it up depending of what type of camera shot to use e.g- high angle or low angle.
After being showed the video, we took turns in setting up the camera and placing it on the tripod. We also learnt some rules when using the camera and tripod, such as, to check if the camera is correctly set up in case if it falls. This was done by lifting the tripod.

After the clip was finished, we were set a task within our groups to shoot our own footage. It to included two people playing cards.
As a group we decided to make a violent footage including a gun. Our first shot was a mysterious villain walking through the coridoor only showing their legs. After that, when they open the door to enter a room, the camera tilts up from the legs to show the face. Another person is sitting on the table ready to play cards, the villain then joins that person. We have close ups of the villains evil looks to the other person. And then suddenly, the villain, throws the cards on the ground and shows the gun on the other person. Then there is an ending where the other person is dead on the floor and (me)the villain throwing the gun to the floor.

We had a minimum of 12 shots to create our mystery and suspense scene
We included the following:
Mcu shots
over the shoulder shots
low and upper angle shots
We used the following Props:
two 'game players'
two chairs
a table and
pair of cards.

The next lesson i was off sick

There fourth lesson:
In our practise filming session, Our class was moved to the editng suite, where were taught how to use the editing software 'final cut pro'.
We were taught how to convert our footage on to the computer, using a disk.
We were shown how to sequence a footage onto a timeline. And how to edit video by using transitions and sound, how to sound onto a clip. Iwas really happy with the camera work because everyone's effort was put in.I liked all the shots because we had little cutting to do. I learnt a lot about mise en scene because i have realised that there is a lot than just whats in front of you e.g detail and timing.We managed to create an element of suspense by adding sound. We managed to meet all our targets including filming the extra 5 seconds before and after each shot. We used all the conventions from real thriller film e.g props ; the gun and the costume e.g black clothes because villains usually wear them in such films.
As Dan was absent we showed the cover teachers our clip and the rest of the class and they really liked it they didnt really have any negative feedback for us. Finally i think that our practise was really really good because everyone contributed something into it.

The video below shows editing on the footage that we had done.

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