Thursday 11 December 2008

Lesson 2 - camera work tutorial

We watched a little clip that demonstated how to use a camera. We were taught how to use the camera using a tripod. We were taught how to turn and turn off the camera. We were also shown how to insert a tape and eject a tape in and out of the camera.
We also shown how to insert a battery into the camera and howto take it out.
We were shown how to open up a tripod and attach the camera, and to set it up in different heights, depending of what type of camera shot u wanted e.g- high angle or low angle.
After being showed the video, we took turns in setting up the camera and placing it on the tripod. We also learnt some rules when using the camera and tripod, such as, to check if the camera is attached to the tripod by lifting it up. Another rule was to not move the tripod while there is a camera attached to it.
After being taught all of this, we were then told to get into groups and shoot our own footage. It had to include two people playing cards.
Me and my group decided to make a violent footage including a gun. Our first footage was set in the room that they play cards in, the villain opens the door to enter the room, the camera tilts up from the legs to show the face. Another person is sitting on the table ready to play cards, the villain then joins that person. We have close ups of the villains evil looks towards the other person. And then suddenly, the villain, throws the cards on the ground and shows the gun on the other person. Then there is an ending where the other person is dead on the floor and the villain throwing the gun on the floor. There are also other shots such as mid shots and longshots. Also including over the shoulder shots. These shots are chosen to create tension and suspense which most thrillers are composed to show.
From this tutorial we learnt how to work in a group as a small production team. It was very difficult as our actors were not professional, however it was great fun. I also learnt alot about mise en scene, and how it is really done and what it consists of.
We also wanted to add another tracking shot to start off the whole senquence, but was delayed due to character change. The shot consisted of just the characters feet walking toward the door in a corridoor.
This practical was very fun and maintained us with alot of practise for the main thriller.

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