Monday 15 December 2008

lesson 4- editing our footage

In this lesson, we edited our footage using the softwares 'final cut pro' and 'sound track'. This lesson was both difficult and a lot of fun as there was a lot of work to do and alot to explore within editing our footage.
Me and my group were very happy with the camera shots. The good thing about ours was that we took the same shot more than once in case it never worked. However we should have had longer shot of the close ups of there faces as it is too fast. Our editing had a good continuity and it made sense. It was very clear of what was going on. The use of closeups connotated what the status of the person and how the situation is meant to be. Our music had a tense wasnt that fast either so it created slow suspense and then shock when the gun is shown.
After we finished editing our little scene, it showed sense and looked simple. We had used a video transition such as fast zoom. This was done to create shock and show how the shocked character felt. It went with ouur gun shot as its still when she pulls the trigger and then zooms in when she shoots. This also shocks the audience aswell because with the gun shot they are led to the zoom in of her face. Our clipz were not very long they were short and sharp. Especially towards the end of the scene.
We then minimised our clip and went on to creating the sound on 'sound track'. Our scene starts off with the creaking sound of the door. Our group decided to do this as this would be a convention most thriller films use. It creates mystery and curiosity. Another convention of a thriller film was the tilt up to show the face of the character. This created alot of suspence as the audience were addressed later who the person was. After the creaking of the door the beaty music starts, our music is quite slow and mysterious as if we are waiting for something to happen. Finally theres the trigger and the gunshot. We didnt show the actual shooting of the victim because we knew that we wouldnt have the equipment such as blood etc to have that in the scene. Our scene ends with the villain throwing the gun on the floor and the other character on the floor. It only shows half of the villains body and all of the victims body laying on the floor. This is to show how powerful the killer as the victim is on the floor and them standing.
When the rest of the class and our teachers watched it, we got very good feedback. Everyone was shouting when there was a gunshot and they started clapping in the end. Our teachers also enjoyed the ending and we were told it looked professional.
I really like our footage as we worked and thought about it properly. We also looked at thriller films to get some ideas. Such as the mise en scene. Next time i will make sure that we take alot of footage so that we get a bigger range for editing.

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