Sunday 15 March 2009

Bedroom scene in my house.

The bedroom scene is the most important scene out of all our scenes. Our main character is going to be in bed dreaming. I created a story board and included all the shots that we wanted to use. We gathered all the props and materials we were going to use for this scene. We used, blood, papers, CD player, a bed and pens.
We shot lots of close ups of her while she was dreaming, we directed her to toss and turn her head side to side. To show her dream was a nightmare.
This worked well as we used alot of closeups from many angles. We also have a zoom out as she jumps out of bed. Then there is an over the shoulder shot of her bloody hands. She then starts to panick and comes out of bed. She falls against the cupboard and slides down to the floor. She then represents her 'madness' by scraping the articles about possession with a red pen and starts to throw everything everywhere.
After finishing this scene, we went back to college. We did alot of work that day and everything went very well.

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