Wednesday 11 March 2009

The Last Three Lessons

The Last Three Lessons

1: In Mary's lesson we filmed our last scene. We shot this scene in the college field. This was the knife seen. Because of help and safety Mary had to shoot the scene with us as we used a real knife as one of our props.

2: My group and I attended a lunchtime workshop to beginning editing. We spent a couple of hours putting our clip together, even though it wasn't our media lesson. The workshop really helped us as we were running out of time.

3: Finally on the last day of the practical we completed all the editing and named our film. We were really happy with the result and pleased to complete filming. It was not easy but it really helped us. We have learnt new skills and it is definitely an experience that we will ever forget. I don’t think anyone will. We learnt a lot from the whole practical I think.

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