Sunday 22 March 2009

Editing Our Final Thriller Opening

Lipi and Myself sat infront of the screen in the Mac suite for over seven hours editing our thriller. Susan and Elelta arrivied later on. Today we firstly finished cutting and keeping the correct shots needed to put the film in order. Keeping in mind that hte film is only to be two minutes we got down to using effects and transitions to make continuity in each scene.

We hadn't used much effects nor transitions. We thought it looked beeter simple. We used fade in and out transitions to keep continuity throughout. We had also used effects such as blur on the corners of the screen during the scenes when Susan was seeing the dream. Also slow motion towards the end when Susan was scribbling on the articles. This was done to create an effect of maddness of the character and her actions. The most difficult part in the entire editing was the titles. As we have made the titles appear and juggle around the screen the editing of that was very hard. We firstly made a black box then wrote names in the text box, we then cut the box in pieces. We then had to place each cut piece of text in the place within the screen of where it was to move about. Towards the end we realised we hadn't changed the font and size of the titles. This lead to further delay as we had to go back to each and every title which was cut up and had to change the font and font size.

We then created the soundtrack. Lipi had used the Soundtrack Pro software to come up with different background sound and also sound effects to match the titles whilst I had finished editing the titles quickly. We then had finalise the film and add the sound. We dimmed the sound when Mickey's news report came on, the sound later was rised after the news report ended. We had also used an effect which appears with the Title of our film towards the end. The sound effect starts off slow and expands with the exansion of our Title 'Grove Park' The title was also a last option as I decided on 'Psych' short for psycho, then some of the team members disagreed, we came up with 'Frenetic' and then finally agreed on 'Grove Park' as the killing was in a park. Literally 5-10 minutes towards our deadline time we put together the title, sound and film and blogged it just on time.

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