Sunday 15 March 2009

Recording our library scene

Our group decided to have a library scene, where the girl is researching on 'possession' as she thinks she is possessed. We had to get the libraries consent to use the area. They allowed it as long as we made no noise. This was very difficult as we had to whisper to eachother and it was hard to give our character directions.
Using the story board helped us film that day, Our first shot was of her walking towards the shelf. She picks up a dictionary and looks up 'Possession'. She sits on the floor, this represents her 'madness'. Normal people wouldnt sit on the library floor.
The first shot is a long shot of her walking along the iles. Then its a high angle shot of her still walking towards the shelf. After that and ECU of her getting the book. The next shot, is where she comes into the frame and sits on the floor.
It took us more than two hours to get it right and make it work. It was hard work but i enoyed this lesson as everything was well organised and our teacher Dan, had helped us.

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