Sunday 22 March 2009

Filming The Bedroom Scene

Today was the shooting of the most important part of the opening for our film. We took the equipment to Lipi’s house. In this scene the girl (Susan) is in bed having flashbacks of the event taken place last night, which is the possessed girl stabbing another girl (Elelta).

According to the storyboard was shot was filmed. We set up the room and lights and also gathered the props needed for certain shots (mise-en-scene), we used blood, CDs, a CD player, pens, paper and the bed.
The first shot was a pan from Susan’s legs leading to her face in bed, in the background we have Mickey’s news report playing.

We had directed her to turns and toss in bed to show disturbance. The shot continues to a high angle, medium close up of Susan dreaming. The shot flows into a slow zoom out capturing quick close up of Susan awaking looking into the camera. This shot was done to capture the expression of the girl waking up from a nightmare. The next shot is a close up side shot of Susan huffing and puffing taking deep breathes. We then take a shot of the radio to show where the news report is playing. We made use of diegetic sound by using the news report and radio. The shot follows into a medium shot side shot of Susan still in bed looking at her hands. The next shot is a high angle shot taken from above Susan’s head, focusing on only the blood on Susan’s hands. We then took a mid shot of Susan jumping in her bed kicking the duvet off to get out of bed. At this point the news report ends. We then have a high angle, medium long shot from one corner of the room; this shot also establishes the bedroom. The shot continues with Susan jumping out of bed, walking backwards towards her cupboard, whilst Susan leans against the cupboard and drops down the camera also pans down with Susan. We then capture an over the shoulder, close up of Susan pulling out a few articles. We then get a match cut, medium close up from a high angle of Susan still dragging the articles. We then took a close up from opposite Susan scribbling on an article named “Demon Possession is it real or just a mental disorder?” We use match cut again here but from a high angle, close up of her still scribbling out ‘”Mental Disorder?”

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