Monday 19 January 2009

Filming our match-cut clip (draft)

In this lesson we filmed our match-cut clip that we planned the previous lesson, We started off by deciding our setting. At first, Dan our teacher suggested us to do it in the canteen of the college building. However, it didnt work out as their were too many people sitting there we wouldnt be able to hear the dialogue.
We finally decided to do it in the end of the coridoors of our floor. This was a good setting as there were big windows which would give our clip and establishing shot of London.
We were also told to follow the 180 degree rule. Which means to stay on one side and film your clip.
We used two chairs, a table, a door and paper and pen as props to film our clip. We all decided the context of our clip. The clip included two characters, A + B, Susan was character A and Elelta was character B. Character A comes in through the door, here we have a match cut, the first shot is a high angle of her feet and the second is an over the shoulder of her taking her seat.
We use many other shots such as close ups and extreme close ups. Character A is the main character, therefore we have m0re shots of her to establish her power.
We also have dialogue in this clip as we were given the task instructing us to include some dialogue.
There is a midshot of both characters so then we have our dialogue where character B says 'here is your contract, sign it' Our dialogue presents importance in their meeting. Then there is a midshot of character A taking the paper and followed by a closeup of her signing. This is a match cut shot.
As character A passes back the papers she says 'you'll get your money when the jobs done'
The clip then finishes off with a match cut an over the shoulder showing character A standing up to leave and then another shot where character A walks away from the shot.

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