Sunday 4 January 2009

In this lesson we were shown several thriller openings:
28 days later, The shining,collateral and What lies beneath.
We also explored the different types of thrillers such as -Psychological, Supernatural thrillers, Comedy Thrillers, Political thrillers, Romance/Murderous, Passion thrillers, Horror Thrillers, Action thrillers and many more.
As we analysed the clips, we looked at he mise en scene, the lighting, use of camera angles, music, editing and setting.

The clip that interested me the most was what lies beneath. I really liked the camera angles and movement. They were a lot of different camera angles such as over the shoulder. This angle to highlighted tension and built tense in the bath tub scene. There were more shots such as tilts and low angles. Long shots were in action when the woman was in the bathroom.
The clips were short but continuous. The lighting was natural and and quite bright and dull at times. There were a lot of sound techniques such as the tub water sucking to indicate the atmosphere and not so pleasent setting. The mise en scene that i like the most in this film would have to be the type of Lighting that is used, as i think its the most important thing in a film as it sets the mood.

I particularly liked the editing of the scenes. There wasn't too much cutting. I like how the opening scene started with tension and freaky. This made me anxious and curious in what was happening. it built a lot of tense and suspense. It gave me ideas for how i would like my thriller to be like. And ideas and techniques that i could adapt onto my thriller.
For my thriller, id like to create a sense of confusion and mystery.
If i had to change anything about the film it would possibly have to be the moral of the film as i think it could be much better.

1 comment:

@ Candi Media said...

Good entries so far, Susan. Now you can start thinking about how exactly you can create this sense of mystery - what shots would you use? How would you edit? What kind of sound? I'd like you to take the focus you are showing in these entries into the practical planning and classwork. Well done
