Sunday 25 January 2009

Real Thriller Idea

Today in dan's lesson we had to present our final and real thriller ideas with our groups to the whole class. We discussed in our groups what we wanted our thriller clip to be e.g the type of camera shots , setting and sound. if down was pleased with the idea then he let us keep our idea. This learn was more of a planning lesson rather than a practical lesson:

Our thriller idea was:
A girl who is possesed. our clip will be on her having a a bad dream. she wakes up to have blood on her hands. our main setting will be in a church perhaps at night time and the other one will be in a bedroom. we will use props such as defining dictionaries. knives and casual clothes. I dont really want to give out too much but Dan and the other media staff were alright with our idea so we have got the go ahead to start filming next lesson from Mary's lesson. The group is really pleased. Before the end of the lesson we started planning within our groups.

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