Monday 19 January 2009

Filming our match-cut clip -( draft )

Today's lesson with Dan we filmed our match-cut clip within our groups that we planned the previous lesson when mary was absent, We started off by deciding our setting. We ended up changing our setting at the last minute. At first, our setting was in the canteen but there were too many people sitting there. This was not very practical as this could have affected the sound techniques.

So we decided to change our setting to the third floor corridor. This was a good setting as there were a lot of mise en scene to give our clip an establishing shot of London.

The next lesson we had Preliminary Match Cut Exercise we went into the mac room. we used the editing suite to edit our clip. e.g to make cuts and use different camera angles and different shots. we added techniques like sound and edited our clip entirely. Our clip had different shots e.g match cuts. Once our clip was finished we were allowed to go home.

A video above shows our film after it was editied. I think that the secong practice film went really well it was another chance for us to refresh our minds on how to work in a group and prepare us for shooting our thriller film, in terms of practising, editing and so on. I definately prefer this practise film to the old one because in the short space of time we have developed different techniques and learnt a lot of new things. In this shot we have used more different types of shots and used a lot of space to create detail and a very good mise en scene. I feel that i followed all the forms and conventions of real films a bit because we took on techniques from other films and used them in our own practise films. We also used different types of lighting and narrative especially the mise en scene as i have mentioned already.

Finally, i think that our practise films allows us to many comments about our presentation. We are deffinately learning new things and a lot more confident and as a result we are making this show in all our practicals.

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