Monday 19 January 2009

Match cut clip plan

The next lesson Mary was not in so Mick and Mareesa covered the lesson. We did a task on Match cuts in video clips.

Our first task was to Make a list of shots of our own in a given scenario. The Synopsis was 'eastlondon, 3pm. A man chain smokes as he sits at his home PC. He copies confidential computer files and plans to a CD. He packages them and is seen posting them.'
We then in pairs made our own version of the clip using different camera shots and establishing shots of eastlondon.
We then watched a clip thay Mickey made and compared it to our own. There were a couple of similiarities such as long shots of the man walking to the post box and many more.We analysed these similarities with the class.

We were then told to gather up in our groups and plan our own clip for next lesson. The synopsis is: 'A character opens a door, walks into a room, sits down opposite another character and they share a few lines of dialogue'.
We all put in our own ideas and combined it altogether to create a clip. Which we will be filming next lesson!

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