Monday 19 January 2009

Thriller Practical - Editing First Lesson

After learning how to use the software Final Cut Pro from the previous lesson, we were now ready to edit our own footage. Once we had loaded our video footage into the mac computers we then had to store it in a storage hard drive. We then had to capture the shots we needed for our final product using Final Cut Pro. This is done to help sequence the film and easier to find each shot.

To make the shots continuous we used transitions and effects. Not much transitions or effects were needed as our footage had many different angle shots that did not need effects added on, for example low angle into a tilt, point of view shots and high angle shots.

To finalise the video we needed a touch of sound. We then used a software called SoundTrack. We decided to add sound effects, for example we used a screeching sound for when the door opens and the sound of shuffling cards. We had also used the sound of a trigger being pulled and finally a gunshot. We had also used a background sound/music.

We then got our class and teachers to watch out final piece. Although it was a thriller the entire class seemed to have enjoyed it and thought it was funny. We had recieved a positive feedback from the class and teachers.

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