Wednesday 14 January 2009

Sound tutorial

In this lesson our class were in the editing suite. We were shown how films produce their sound using software. We also got to sequence the sound of clips from the film 'Quantum of Solace.' I really enjoyed doing that as the sounds were already made for us, but all we had to do was sequence it into the correct place. There were sounds like, grunts, bomb blasts, running footsteps and many more. After making mine, it sounded and looked very professional. We also got to do other activities such as adding more sounds to pictures.
After completing the 'Quantum of Solace' activities, we were then told to edit our own clip that we produced before with our groups. This time as i edited the sound myself, i found it easier and more enjoyable. I added a different background music to it with a different beat. I also did many other different sound like the door opening etc.
The lesson went very quick and i really enjoyed it!

1 comment:

@ Candi Media said...

A really thorough series of entries, which will make a solid production diary. Well done, keep it up! You now have to take the focus you are showing here, and what you are learning from the analysis into your practical work.